D.R.E.A.M.S. Club stands for the Disability Rights, Education, Advocacy, and Mutual Support Club.
We are a student club at Santa Fe Community College, in Santa Fe, NM. that is currently comprised of 30 students, as well as some community members. We have and are grateful for the support of the Student Government Association, fellow Student Government Representatives, Student Ambassadors, The Nursing Club, The International Club, and Public Allies (an AmeriCorp program), as well as the community organizations we are or will be affiliated with. Our focus is disability awareness, student leadership, promoting an environment of inclusion, and helping to create positive changes in our community, and promoting a positive image of disability, while supporting our social services students to become the best professionals possible in our community.
We are currently working on numerous projects, in part to promote community services that we have identified as beneficial to the disabled community, and to build awareness of the positive changes that are already in place, while still advocating for and voicing the need for necessary improvements.
Together we are making a difference for all, and our voices do matter.